The relationship between cybernetics management and organizational productivity selected hospitals of Iran University of medical sciences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background and objectives: Cybernetic management is a science that studies and controls its control and regulation in complex systems and its main goal is to find the fastest, most appropriate and effective way of control and regulation in complex organizations and systems such as hospitals to increase productivity. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cybernetic management and organizational productivity in selected hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences.
Methode: This research was practical in terms of results and cross-sectional in terms of time and analytical-correlation in terms of implementation method. The population of this study included all staff and managers of selected hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences . through random Krejcie-Morgan table and using stratified sampling method 328 people were selected. Data were collected using the Standard scale of John Ston and Peter Jones Organizational Productivity Questionnaire (2003) and Ghorbanizadeh Cybernetic Management Function Questionnaire(2010). The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multivariate regression analysis.
Results: The results showed that between cybernetic management with organizational factory at a significant level (p <0.01), between cybernetic management with organizational effectiveness at a significant level (p <0.01), between cybernetic management with customer satisfaction Reference was at a significant level (p <0.01), and there was a relationship between cybernetic management and bureaucracy at a significant level (p <0.01).
Conclusion:  The present study shows a positive relationship between cybernetic management and organizational productivity. Therefore, providing training based on the application of cybernetic management functions in hospital settings to increase productivity is one of the recommendations of this study.
