The association between diabetes mellitus and the risk of COVID-19

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Medicine, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran

2 Clinical Research Development Unit, Imam Hossein Hospital, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran

3 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran



Background and Objective: High prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) makes it an important comorbidity in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The objective of the current study was to compare morbidity and mortality between patients with diabetes and controls.
Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Imam Hossein hospital of Shahroud. A total of 184 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were included. Individuals with chronic underlying diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and pulmonary diseases were excluded. Then, patients were divided into two groups: patients with COVID-19 who also had DM, and individuals with COVID-19 who did not have a history of DM.
Results: The prevalence of high diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and fever were significantly more in the non-diabetes patients (prevalence DBP=10%, p value=0.05/ prevalence fever=65%, p value=0.01). Also, the mortality rate was slightly higher in non-DM patients (P =0.5). There was not any statistically significant difference between other clinical features and laboratory tests between the groups.
Conclusion: We found that DM patients with COVID-19 infection were not at a higher risk of mortality or poor outcome compared to the non-DM patients.
